Sunday, May 8, 2011

Take a Leap of Faith

I have a few friends going through significant transitions: losing jobs, facing moral issues that requires them to stand up against power and authority, getting a divorce or out of an unhealthy relationship, deciding whether to change career paths, etc. What is evident and consistent in all these conversations is how difficult it is for us humans to take a leap of faith towards the unknown.

We resist and resist, even when everything else tells us it is time to move on to the next thing. We want to have everything planned and figured out, forgetting that God works in different ways and with different timing. God reveals to us step by step. But we don’t want to make a mistake; we want to make sure we are doing what God really wants us to do (being cautious); or we cannot believe the work is done in that part of your life.

The Bible says that God’s ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not ours (Isaiah 55:8–9). This is mainly because He has a bigger/higher perspective on everything; He knows what is best for us and has visibility of the full plan. But He guides us one step at a time.

By being faithful, we need to take action and the first step, even when darkness is all we can see. God will then reveal to us in the next move (even if it is to change route again). We need to move being confident that God wants and has the best for us. He will never give us a snake when we asked for fish (Luke 11:11)…. We might still not get the egg, but something even better!

So yes, I understand it is hard to let go of one rope without even seeing the next rope to grab. Sometimes it doesn’t seem rational or logical the way where we are headed. Everyone may think it is the craziest thing to do. But if in your heart, you feel it is right, go for it! God will be there in the next step or other side to catch you and guide you to your place of peace and inner happiness… one step at a time!